Why are mosquitoes attracted to me? | Top 5 reasons
Mosquitoes are a serious threat to humanity, this is due to the fact they are carriers of malaria. These insects don’t just bite anybody, you must have certain traits before mosquitoes go after you.
Have you ever seen a situation whereby two people are in a room, but only one person is complaining of mosquitoes bite? This is because he is one of the people that can easily attract them.

1. Bright Color Clothes
People who wear bright color clothes are targets of mosquitoes. Generally, they are very visual and are easily attracted by bright colors. As a rule, don’t wear colors like red or white when you are in a mosquito-infested environment. It is better you wear more of camouflage outfit that will not make you too visible.
2. Type O and B+ Blood Group
According to researchers at the Institute of Pest Control Technology, Chiba, Japan, mosquitoes prefer people with Blood Type O and B+ to Blood type A.

As a matter of fact, Mosquitoes seldom bite people with Blood group A and show little interest with Blood B people. However, they are always looking for people with Blood group O to suck their blood.
3. Pregnancy
Research has made us understand that the pregnant women attract mosquito more compared to those that aren’t pregnant; because of the heat their body generate. So, many pregnant women might be wondering why they have to chase off mosquito more during pregnancy. You can stay in a cool, dry place more to at least avoid them.
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4. Heat Emission
People that generate a lot of heat are also attracted to mosquitoes. This is because they generally sense sweat easily from a distance.
So, the more heat you emit, the more you sweat and the more likely mosquitoes will sense and go after you.
5. Beer
Just the way human beings love drinking beer, mosquitoes love beer even more. Therefore, if you are an avid beer drinker, you are likely to make more mosquito friends.
Even as a individual, even as a group, we can all still avoid mosquitoes despite falling into the any of the 5 categories.
Don’t keep dirty water around you for long
Use a spray or insecticide when necessary.
Stay away from things that attract them such as beer
And if there be any illness resulting from mosquito bite; do well not to “self-medicate“.
And make sure you do regular check up.