Social Media for Small Businesses | Top 3


We all know that the world is transcending into a web era, where almost everything are now made available on social media. In this post, we will be highlighting the social media that small businesses can kick off with. Which can enable them to boost their appearance and business on social media and give them awareness on Social Media

Facebook Page

social media for small businesses

Facebook is known for its wide reach, users and a community-based structure where we have billions of people using it. We must understand that Facebook page is one of the platforms that could be started with a low budget. This ranges from creation/set-up to optimization to advertisement.

Do’s and Dont’s

– You must do enough research on the name you want to use. So that you can be easily discovered via search.
– You should read the Facebook guidelines that pertains to creation of a Facebook page.
– You need grow your page first, organically (Sharing of links, Invites, usage of hashtags, etc.)
– Think your page description thoroughly before filling it
– Do not post shortened links on your page




WhatsApp, also owned by Meta, is one of the platforms where small businesses can also kick off their business. On WhatsApp, we have a group, a channel and a community. A group is a basically as literally as it is – group. You can have as many as 500 members on a group. You post, tag, get replies, reaction, remove/add people and revoke group link.

A channel is basically a part of Whatsapp where you can update people about things and  only harvest their reactions, nothing more. Members on a channel can not see each others profile/details. So there is a limited interaction on a Whatsapp channel as to what the followers can do. A community is a part of Whatsapp created basically to bring multiple groups together and announce things to your audience. But note that people might not find your whatsapp group on search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. Unless you optimize it.

Social Media for small businesses is very important

Instagram Page


A platform also owned by Meta, is also a platform to kick-start a small business. Instagram is basically where you create posts which include image/videos and post stories. Advisably, you should also grow your Instagram organically. Instagram has a wide range of users too. They can be reached through hashtags and follows too. Read Guidelines


You can take it one-at-a-time and start with facebook page or Instagram. You can optimize your whatsapp group link on search engines by creating a synchrony for your pages and brand name and it will help grow your business online. We hope this post helps

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