Budget Plan
How To

How to make a budget plan | 5 ways

Budget A budget is a plan to commit a particular thing to a value or vice versa. It’s a plan on what you will use your money for. It’s a plan for income and expenses.When you are good in creating a budget plan and you’re consistent—you are giving your money purpose. Introduction Coming up with […]

Credit Score
How To

How to Improve your credit score

Credit score It’s evident that it pays to have a good credit score when you want to apply for a loan or deal with lenders. Below is the top 5 ways to improve your credit score. A proof of residential address Register on the electoral roll at your current address – you can do this

Largest Forest

Largest Forest in the world | Top 8

Trees and their functions are vital for humans and animals. Many trees together form a forest, and this serves as a source of food and habitat. With the spread of human civilisation, millions of hectares of forest had to be converted. Below is the top 8 largest forests that are still active. 1) Amazon The

African Countries

African Countries with Identical Flags | Top 6

Top 6 African countries with identical flags The Africa is a continent known for its population and distance covered. Africa is the world’s second Largest and second-most populous continent after Asia. It covers 20% of Earth’s land area and 6% of the total surface area. We would be elaborating on few African Countries with similar

How To

How to turn your Facebook to professional mode | Step by Step

Introduction Professional mode makes management easy and give you access to many features. Features such as professional tools, insights and monetization products that can help build your professional presence from your personal profile. Initially, these tools and features were made available only on Pages by the Facebook team. How to turn on professional mode Here’s

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